
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Love to Learn, Love to Use

hi there,

how's life? great right.... or hopefully yours just fine... coz... we should thank for what happened, since anything happens for reason ^^ *sok banget yah*

as my previous post, which mention that I have new companion name mang Mac *gosh really grateful to have him... no regret at all... just need to utilize him more :p hehehhe*, today post will tell you a little bit of my experience with him, as you know I just bought it last september... so still fresh...

first, little bit awkward, since that macintosh is quite different from window, instead using control [ctrl] we're using much of command... instead of using microsoft office... we're using iwork or openoffice... but thanks God, there's Office 2008 and Office 2011 (thanks to Microsoft)

the earlier things that I've done after bought it... were googling and joining lot of forums,,, and *I did lot of join forums coz I need a hint for what should I do or what can I do with my mang mac :p*

for watching video, we have default Quicktime, iDVD, and DVD player (already in the package of it). then I added with VLC (i need to watch the .avi format).

for working:
  • iwork : but I still haven't found the best way to use Numbers, but I find Keynote has a lot of great template for presentation.
  • openoffice : this is a free software, and since it free... for me... not really friendly user
  • office 2008 : best way to work in office, excel was great (but it still using the office 2003 format, no ribbon...), word and powerpoint are okay, entourage is as good as outlook. And I'm looking forwad to use the new office 2011, coz it seems it has the same format as office 2007 in windows.
  •  mindmanager8 as good as windows version
  • Omni product!! wow terrific... thanks to Omni.. it helps so much in making chart, project plan... it just as good as microsoft visio and microsoft project
what a bout game... hehehehe... I have a lot also... ^^

the best in mang mac, is the way he makes me learn all the time... if I want to master it.. I gotta search a lot, read a lot... and use it a lot... coz almost everything is a new from me... everytime want to make something... googgling here and googgling there... from keyboard shortcut to software tutorial... everytime I use it and that each times I learn something new ^^

The more I use it, the more I know new thing

hopefully someday... I'm I'm not lazy enough to share what I've learned with all of you....


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