
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Empal Daging

Hmm... ramadhan kali ini... bener2 seru...
Ramadhan di villa *mess baru hon, red*, setiap buka masak-masak sendiri... menu rumahan dech pokoknya.. dan itu sangat menyenangkan... alhamdulillah...

Menu buka pun selama Ramadhan ini.. hmm.. lumayan bervariasi lah.. walopun masih didominasi ma tumis dan tempe (kalo tempe ini mang sengaja... hehehhe) pokoknya bener2 masakan rumahan... yang masak 3 orang (berhubung satu mess bertiga...) banyak yang lucu di sini... terkait adjustable hidup dan masak bersama... (ok we won't discuss it in this post...) kembali ke topic... ^^

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our Football Match

Wow.. wow... another collated photo nie.. this photos were taken on July 9th 2010 in a football match between PROPERA staff and TRANS JACK staff (if I'm not wrong)... okay I guess I mixed up... the point is there were four team (PROPERA, TRANS JEK, SUPER BEN, and I didn't notice the other one)... it was staff game, so the duration is 2x15' with break 15' (hehehehe... very short time right, but the sweat they produced same as many as pro hahahhahaha).

watching the game was fun, especially when meeting our friends there, so those are the narciss picture of us, you can see kodok with the tight and narciss photo of him, doraemon with a very tight uniform, mas senior with a very girlie pose, photo of the game, photo of spectators, and us... the xmt '08

gosh.. time passed so fast.. I just remembered my first porseni... just as fun as this one... but this year porseni... hue.. less hurting... and less noticed... hehehehe...

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jejak Jalan Sehat 2010

Wow, finally I can install Picasa on my laptop... *fuihh... so happy*. What I like about Picasa is I can easily do the collate photos, so I didn't have to upload lot of pictures to share -coz I need only one collated photo, to describe the moment! Great right ^^ Yihaayyy...- And collated photo upstair is my creation, they were our photos from Jalan Sehat Semen Padang 2010 event (Semen Padang's Jogging Event) in order to celebrate company's expropiation and a hundred years our company's anniversary.

Me and my other eight friends (bi' nito, m'ayu, doraemon, TTT, koko, kodok, IP, mas pri) were grouped together along the route... sharing the joy and do the narcis thing together. the photos were taken anywhere we could along the route, start from on the way to the fountain, on the way to Bukit Atas, before the golf field, in the golf field, in our way to IND 1 -backgrounded the Limestone mining hill- and anywhere we could do the pose!!! much of it were taken by kodok -who's volunteered to be my photographer- heheehehe...
It was a great event.. I really did enjoy it.. since it's quite hard now to gather us (XMT '08) in this kind a of event... I'm sure gonna miss this moment... Guys... thanks for accompany me... thanks for being around me... thanks for being my friend... thanks for tolerating my behaviour... Thanks for everything... this whole "merantau" thing is easier because of you... Love you all... hopefully we could fine success in life and in the future life.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I wanna go home...

playing on my head:
Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I’ve got to go home

Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

Yup, Michael Buble - Home... the most favorite song... remains me of home... which always make me want to go home... Baiti Jannati - Rumahku Surgaku - My home is my heaven on earth... that's quote fit me well...

akibat bergaul dengan Pasutri

Hey there... how’s life? Is everything rite? Hopefully everyone’s fine even better. So this is my second week in a new mess, happy? I am... it almost like family here... we connected by that family room in front of our rooms... that family room turns to be our watching tv room, our dining room, and our chat room. That room was surprisingly turns to be our gravitation in this house.

And regarding the topic, as all we are know (I assume all of you already know J this is my blog I own the rules) my dear house mate MRQ is already married and they’re having long distance married or we called it Cinta Satu Malam (ooohhh.... indahnya... ohhh capeknya.. hehhehe). And as we all know, many of my gals friend (XMT ’08) is already married, like my married bibi’, teteh, and bi’ nito. And since that our company contract regulation ends in the end of August, now, everyone is racing to have baby... *I want it tooo..... hiks*

Movie: My Sister's Keeper

Today at Indonesia 65th Independence Day, we had this ceremony in the office, and after that we can enjoy our whole day as we like. Short story, I have done my cleaning task, and I dont feel I want a nap.. so I start search for dvd, and I found this one.. stared by Cameron Diaz -one of my favorite actress- the title is My Sister’s Keeper, it was a drama... big drama movie... so drama actually. And it is a great drama movie... lot of morals there... and touchy...

So here the big story.

So there is a family contains of mom (cameron diaz) and a father, they have two children, Jesse (the older boy), Kate (the lovely daughter) and then there is the aunty. When Katie still a baby, doctor diagnose acute promyelocytic leukemia, neither the parent nor the brother have the match donor for her. Then the doctor suggest to make a baby -an engineered baby-, the baby was engineered to have genetic match for her older sister, Kate, then born little Anna.  

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ayam Goreng ala Mamiku

as per your sweet request my dear friend,
sebagai perantau yang hidup di mess, dan harus bekerja dari pagi hingga sore, serta tak akan sempat berbelanja sayur mayur tiap harinya, maka harus pintar pintar dalam menyiapkan menu masakannya, tidak untuk hari ini saja tapi untuk seminggu.

jauhnya pasar dari komplek mess, tentu hambatan untuk dapat berbelanja tiap hari. jadi setiap pergi memasak, pasti dicari sesuatu yang dapat dimasak dan dapat dihidangkan untuk beberapa hari. salah satu pilihan adalah membuat ayam goreng.

dan ayam goreng favoritku, dari resep mami... ayamnya diungkep dengan berbagai macam bumbu. dan fuihhh... rasanya mang mantab! enak banget... ini terbukti dari banyaknya temen2 yang suka ma ayam goreng bikinanku... hehehhehe...

dari Pejalan Kaki ke Penebeng Sejati

Tak terasa sudah lama, hon merantau di ranah minang ini, tepatnya sudah hampir 2 tahun. Masih ingat di angan 31 Agustus 2008 sambil menahan haru, keluarga melepas hon ke padang. Tiga ramadhan telah dilalui di tanah ini bersama 20-an lainnya yang juga perantau... diantara-nya 6 sahabat perempuan hon yang tough abis.. berani merantau hingga ke sini...

dan selama itu pulalah hon bertempat tinggal di komplek perusahaan L75, sebuah komplek untuk karyawan, mess hon tepat di depan lapangan bola kecil, lapangan bola besar terletak dekat dengan kantor pusat, pandangan keluar rumah langsung tertuju pada deretan silo-silo dan cerobong suspension preheater, yang terkadang berbatuk-batuk ria. lucunya batuk itu terkadang menenangkan kami, karena berarti pabrik tidak stop hehehehe -bukan suatu hal yang baik memang, namun suatu hal yang lucu bagi kami.

Friday, August 13, 2010

my curiousity in "Expandable Post Summary"

Hue... what's wrong with me yah? after two weeks rumbling with numbers, chart, and t-code, Now, I kind a "choose" to have my idle time here, actually there's still lot thing that I can do... but I don't know why, today, I'm tempted to do something else, like write this UN-IMPORTANT post and work on my blog template.

Actually, this desire's already came about two days ago, when I read the 100 most visited blog in Indonesia. and Wow!! it's not a celebrity whose in d first rank, and almost many of them I don't really know who they are! *or it just me who didn't know them -____-a* okay, the point is I'm curious with their blog, how their blog can be so famous? and then... daaaaaang... I open two blog... the #1 blog and one of them random picked blog. two of them, I have no idea who they are... but then... I guess their just ordinary people with fantastic blog.

catatan dinas - part 2 "explorer"

ok lanjutan dari catatan dinas yang super ribet itu, berakhir manis... hehehe.. malahan kerasa banget fun-nya, waktu yang sesingkat itu bisa disulap jadi sangat berkualitas ^^

at the office - 27 Juli 2010
so, hari itu nyampe the East, on time :) malahan pihak pengundang yang telat. rapat atau lebih tepatnya diskusi berjalan lancar... ya maklumlah sebagai pihak baru, h0n lebih banyak melihat situasi dan menyesuaikan diri. berhubung agenda rapat sedikit, h0n berasa bakal cepet nie selesai rapatna... *huh.. tahu gini kan ga usah book hotel dua malam -___-" langsung cao ajah juga bisa... huhuhu*