Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What a day
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Nonton Bola Bareng
My milad -part 2-
Monday, June 28, 2010
My milad -part 1-
Saturday, June 26, 2010
kok bisa yah...
hiyaaaah... bener aneh... ga bisa aku bayangin diriku manja ma temen cowok (not special one yah)...kok bisa bisanya dia manja ma temen cowoknya? -__-a
pertama... aku nya mang males... ngapain manja ke temen ku... lagian kalo manja ke temen cowok biasa na kalo ada permintaan... manjanya pun ga yang mendayu dayu gitu kaleee...
kedua... kalo pun aku manja... ga bisa bayangin ekspresi temen2 cowokku.. sebut ajah.. kodok, beruang, koko, doraemon... hue... bakal di hina dina diriku... diinjak injak pula... diketawain ampe puas kaleee...
hiyaaaahhh... mang orang tuh beda beda yah... yo wes lah.. pusing kalo dipikir dalem dalem...
h0n -serious in front d office's laptop... hearing the weird convey ever!-
teman-temanku dan kelainannya
hi guys,
in this post, I'd like to introduce my friend from my lovely lab. when I was in college... but of course in a very un-ordinary way in introducing them... by photos that I will share in below... and little bit story of their weird activity...
actually... there was... oops... there is issue around my friends (especially the boy friends)... the issue is whether they are gay or the just like being gay... or they just like watcing gay stuff... hehehhhe... yiakkkss really... but we should take our friend just the way they are right... hehehhe... so let's here some facts:
first, yup... I guess they or one of them or I dont know who... like to watch gay stuff... this was proven by the files which contains gay stuff in our laboratory's computer... whoaaaaa.... who did that... who kept those files... wakakkkaka... still mistery...
second, hehehhhe...I think they like each other... but... I dont want to describe in word... but I know how to describe it in a better way to understang it... here we go...

in this post, I'd like to introduce my friend from my lovely lab. when I was in college... but of course in a very un-ordinary way in introducing them... by photos that I will share in below... and little bit story of their weird activity...
actually... there was... oops... there is issue around my friends (especially the boy friends)... the issue is whether they are gay or the just like being gay... or they just like watcing gay stuff... hehehhhe... yiakkkss really... but we should take our friend just the way they are right... hehehhe... so let's here some facts:
first, yup... I guess they or one of them or I dont know who... like to watch gay stuff... this was proven by the files which contains gay stuff in our laboratory's computer... whoaaaaa.... who did that... who kept those files... wakakkkaka... still mistery...
second, hehehhhe...I think they like each other... but... I dont want to describe in word... but I know how to describe it in a better way to understang it... here we go...
beruang and mas SapuLidi's son
The picture up there... was one of happy moment together... see how happy they were... xixixixi...
Jale and beruang nepsong
hiyaaa... another beruang photo with male... now.. it's jale turn... see how "cool" jale and how passionate beruang was... wakakakka.. and this picture was taken in mall!!! daaaang!!!

my lab boys... beruang-kiddy*dont know the name*-pak de-probo
Actually picture above.. not related with our gay topic... but I open my file, I fount that picture and I like it... is so funny...
If we think deeper... I found that my close friend in lab which quite normal is just probo... coz in my D500's mobile file... I couldn't find any abnormalities in his picture... so bravo probo!!! but still I will search in my another file.. so beware... wakakkaka...
okay that's all for this post.. so u already know severalof my friends.. hopefully in the future I'll give another funny pict of them... xixiixixi ....bub-byeeee
saturday nite -after discussion in SMSI 4 thn yg lalu Grup-
hope you like it guys...
five years ago
almost in axact time, 5 years ago, me as a student, I got sick... my throat I didn't know why but sometimes it got so itchy.. and not just that I also got a cold... but the cold wasn't that bad... the itchy throat was the worst... coz everytime my throat got itchy I always got cough -terrible one-... it was so terrible until everytime I cough... I cough till cry... and it was also take effect on my voice... I have terrible voice just like old people... so scary.. and it all was happened for almost a month... even in my birthday... that's why I called it it almost 5 years ago...
so it was started on late may, I guess... I have the symptoms after I joined as a surveyor for a BUMN in Gresik... the job was easy.. sit watch people and make markings in our work paper... coz that simple and lot of time needed there.. I kind a seldom to move my body.. no exercise at all... since that I have to start at very early morning and came home late... then sleep... no exercise at all... but tired! then after the survey comes the time training in my lab... and that was how I got my terrible itchy throat...
so it was started on late may, I guess... I have the symptoms after I joined as a surveyor for a BUMN in Gresik... the job was easy.. sit watch people and make markings in our work paper... coz that simple and lot of time needed there.. I kind a seldom to move my body.. no exercise at all... since that I have to start at very early morning and came home late... then sleep... no exercise at all... but tired! then after the survey comes the time training in my lab... and that was how I got my terrible itchy throat...
Friday, June 25, 2010
mami dan dunianya...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pre-wed photo session

actually there are so many picture we took... but hehehhe.. since I have lack ability in knowing how to adding picture in this post.. since I use it via picasa not in my regular way through blogger... so maybe next time I'll add the rest...
okay... see ya in my next post
kamu cukup dengerin ajah. jadi curhat model begini itu, kita cuma dituntut untuk mendengarkan saja, tanpa dituntut untuk kasih pendapat atau kasih judgement karena bakalan useless...nah dan ini itu sebenernya bisa dibagi dalam beberapa tipe lagi: dengerin ceritaku yah...kalo yang ini biasanya cukup mendengarkan cerita teman kita dengan seksama... mengkaji... dan memberikan respon... tapi jangan harap bakal dilakuin... dipikirin mungkin iya.. dilakuin kayak e engga.. sini sini... aku butuh dipeduliin...nah kalo yang ini.. biasanya butuh extra perhatian...selain mendengarkan kadang kita perlu nunjukkin kalo kita ada... little bit hug.. it will help... aku butuh tempat bombay...kalo yang ini... biasanya pelaku curhat lagi bener bener emosi.. ato sedih... saking sedihnya sebenernya dia cuma butuh tempat cerita and buat nangis ajah... dan ini agak sulit biasanya karena dia nangis jadi agak sulit mencerna apa masalahnya... butuh tempat pelampiasan... kalo ini yang paling kejam... curhat sambil main fisik... biasanya kalo dah saking bete nya ma orang... dia bakal melakukan curhat sambil main fisik... seakan akan kita tempat curhat adalah orang yang disebelin... dan sebagai tempat curhat yah.. kita pasrah ajah lah.. sambil pinter2 ngeles.. hehehehe minta pendapat atau solusi... nah ini curhat yang agak dewasa... biasanya pelaku curhat memaparkan permasalahan yang dihadapi dengan harapan ingin meminta pendapat ato solusi... di sini peran kita bener dituntut untuk mampu mendengarkan, memahami... dan memposisikan diri... "aku butuh temen" yang ini sedikit berbeda... biasanya mereka yang melakukan curhat bukan termasuk orang yang biasa mengutarakan isi hati... atau orang yang ga mau orang lain tau permasalahannya.. tapi mereka tetep butuh orang lain itu memahami... yang paling dibingungi... gimana mo paham kalo ga tau permasalahannya... tapi berdasarkan pengalaman h0n... yang namanya curhat ya ga usah terlalu dipaksa... kalo ga mau curhat ya sudah... kalo curhat ya monggo... tapi biasanya yang model gini sebenernya butuh motivasi dari temennya... butuh kesadaran bahwa dirinya sebenernya ga sendiri tapi ada kita sebagai temen... kalo yang kayak gini.. lebih baik ditemenin ajah... didengerin ajah apa yang dia bilang (biasanya perumpamaan perumpamaan yang ga seberapa jelas.. tapi ya gitu dengerin ajah. so intinya... be there when your friend need you! 'pokoknya kamu tahu kan aku ada pikiran' nah yang ini hampir setipe dengan di atas... kalo di atas totally misterius kalo yang ini... biasanya pelaku curhat akan mengatakan tema atau inti permasalahan atau cuma topik permasalahan yang ada pada diri mereka... tapi setelah itu jangan harap dapat detail story... karena intinya dari curhatnya itu... ini aku lagi ada masalah... dan kamu tau kan sekarang kalo aku ada masalah... karena the next sentence setelah dia bilang inti atau topik curhatnya... dia bakal bilang ntar dech aku ceritain sekarang lagi ga mood atau alasan serupa lah... dan siap siap... jangan berharap untuk dapat detail story... yang kayak gini.. enak dia yang curhat dan bikin penasaran yang dicurhatin... tapi orang kan beda beda... diterima aja lah... ^^ curhat setengah nah yang ini aku paling sering nieh... hehehhe... pengennya cerita... tapi ga pengen juga orang lain tau... hehehe... karena itu kadang ceritanya mbulet... hehehe... dan bikin bete yang dicurhatin karena biasanya mereka ga dapat inti permasalahan.. atau ga bisa kasih nasehat karena bingung apa masalahnya... hehehhe....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
don't you miss me...?
to cheer my days
to hear my babbling
to make me laughing
to make me smile
to make me smile in my silence (hmm... hehehe)
to make me wish holiday is soon
to hear my moan
to make me listened...
to make me wondered
to make me impressed
to make me calmed
to make me worried
to make me upset
to make me cried
hehehe... I dont know why exactly you are away now...
but I know for sure... it is for something good...
"kau dulu tiada untukku, dan sekarang kembali tiada."
don't u miss me?? *coz I do*
Friday, June 18, 2010
When You Miss Somebody
Hey... how's today?? Uhm... I was searching for Tompi new song "tak pernah setengah hati" and then I found this song, sing by Tompi also... I'm very attracting by the title "when you miss somebody" hmmm... I like the title... when I miss somebody... so here the lyrics (I'l tell you how's the song after I download it.. okay...). I miss you... ^^
When You Miss Somebody - Tompi
As soft as a shadow
Dark as a dream
Look but don’t try to touch
A face in a mirror
A coin in a stream
A voice you miss too much
When u miss somebody...
When u miss someone...
When u miss somebody...
When u miss someone
The trouble with remembering
Is that we never can go back
The trouble with tomorrow
Is that I’m living in the past
I thought that I spotted
Your face in a crowd
I knew I must be wrong
The world’s spinning backwards
The noise is too loud
I find you in a song
When You Miss Somebody - Tompi
As soft as a shadow
Dark as a dream
Look but don’t try to touch
A face in a mirror
A coin in a stream
A voice you miss too much
When u miss somebody...
When u miss someone...
When u miss somebody...
When u miss someone
The trouble with remembering
Is that we never can go back
The trouble with tomorrow
Is that I’m living in the past
I thought that I spotted
Your face in a crowd
I knew I must be wrong
The world’s spinning backwards
The noise is too loud
I find you in a song
Thursday, June 17, 2010
friends in need are friends indeed *syalalalala...*
hmmm.... I realized that lot of my friend care about me... and in returns I also should care bout myself... I'll try not to make them worry 'bout me... hey guysss.... I'm okay... I guess I'm already learned and won't do the same mistake...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
stupid question ever!!
Now I know how relieve I am for not longer having feeling for you
Now I know how stupid I used to be to trusting you that much..for ignoring all my friend voices..
Now I know why God set our meeting and separate us in that way
Now I know how Allah love me that Allah gives those lesson..
Now I know how happy I am knowing all this
Snif snif.. There's one day that I made an appoinment with my Ex in airport so that we could wait and share taxi to indarung (since, I'm little bit paranoid with taxi if it comes a night)..
Everything was so great.. We could manage our seat in d plane.. And we had a nice dinner in airport.. We share story from where we had holidays.. It was so normal..
Our plane was delayed.. And we had time to share our story.. He told about his girl and his proposal to his ex (see..this is d reason we are not together again)
I told him I have complicated relation with my friend.. (Which he really not want to hear.. He I see as not a good friend.. When it is NOT HIM)
So.. I really happy with this conversation.. Coz.. It means we are normal.. And it is not awkward anymore..
But then in the plane.. Something not as my imagination occured.. Just like a big splash come in a very silent pool.. He asked me this surprisingly stupid question..
*how 'bout cheating for 5 minute, han*
And I feel so gratefull that we already broke up...
words from my work
I, Once again feel not get my call in here..I didn't feel the satisfaction in working..and the most awfull feeling is I feel like I am only a chicken baby..only do what the mother ask to do..
Some of my friend said that was good, you don't have to think hard right..but..once again I said.. That rule doesn't apply to me..
I love to make creation.. I love to think.. I love to make an idea.. I love that I can use my imagination in order to taking care a problem or issue..
I love those kind of things..
Hm..for now, I'm wishing for great patient.. I'm wishing for my best try in work..
And d most important thing.. I wish.. I wish Someone will take me out from here.. ^^
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Jealousy approach T_T
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
one silly question
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