
Sunday, March 21, 2010

ladies nite and d day after

it's been long time we hadn't had a ladies nite until last nite... the last time we did it... oops I guess before teteh got married... wow!!

last nite ladies nite was attended by me, MRQ, and ike... we had this ladies nite unplanned after the kare crab supper!! it was in my room... split the bed into two beds... then we were laying there... and it went by the flow... ladies nite began... hmm... I like having time together with the gals just like last nite.. it was so intimate... so private... the story began... the problem was shared... and gal's discussion.... the laugh we shared... the supporting opinion... the terrible opinion.. wakakkkaka... all was there... 

it was so enjoyable... it looked like a party to us... music by our laugh and expression... hehehhe... and then we realized it was already morning.... wakakkaka... who end it??? no one... we're just so sleepy... then suddenly no voice came out.... officially over!!!

and guess what... yup.. we have this problem in wake up... alhamdulillah... I wake up as my schedule... but the others.. wakkakka ... can't open their eyes!!! hehehhe... but when the morning already came out.. and the sleepers already awake.. and now my turns got so sleepy.. 

but over all... it was nice nite gals... thank you ^^

Thursday, March 18, 2010

etika makan si h0n

paling ga suka makan sendiri... yup that's me...
dari dulu sejak dilahirkan kayakna... paling benci kalo makan dhewean... and it runs from d family, especially my mom...

ga tau knapa ya.. kalo makan tuh, maunya ada yang nemenin.. entah ikut makan, atau cuma nungguin kita makan... pokok e ada yang nemenin...

waktu sekolah... jelas ada yang nemenin makan lah... kalo ga ortu, ya adik ajah... ato malah kumpul lengkap buat makan...

waktu kuliah... ceritanya mulai semi mandiri nie... mulai ngekost... makannya lebih milih makan di luar bareng temen2.. kalo terpaksa makan di kost.. hiks... pasti kudu ditemenin tipi... huhuhuhu... paling kerasa waktu sahur... huhuhuhu...

waktu kerja pertama... kalo makan siang pasti h0n dan bontotan h0n langsung menuju meja si boss... biarin... yang penting h0n ga makan dhewean... hehehhe

nah sekarang pas merantau... alhamdulillah satu mess isinya ga cuma h0n ajah... jadi setiap makan InsyaAllah ada yang nemenin.. kalo ga ada yang nemenin ya.. lagi lagi tipi yang jadi andalan... huhuhu... kalo di tempat kerja dulu enak waktu di pabrik, temen makan siangnya banyak... sekarang di kantor pusat... hm.. sebenernya banyak sie yang bs nemenin makan.. tapi ga tau knapa.. h0n lebih pilih ngacir k SDM makan bareng si teteh, pus pus, and si bibi... kalo ga gitu.. ya terpaksa... makan dhewean d meja... hiks.. and that d most uncomfortable moment i had... hiks...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I wish...

I wish for a simple love life... 
I got so tired of complicated one... I guess I have enough of it... please... I just want a simple love life...

I just want someone who I love and love me in returns
someone with brave who will tell me that he loves me *and when I look into his eyes I know he truly meant it and it's real*

oops... that's it... that's the simple one... ohh so simple... can I have it ya Allah?? hm... bismillah...

ada yang lucu...

hari itu, Senin tanggal 15 Maret, h0n lagi pulang ke jawa, untuk menjadi seorang 'anak'
hari itu, h0n lagi otw jalan k rumah... tiba-tiba ada sms muncul... namanya ga asing, tapi.. aneh.. karena sangat jarang h0n dapet sms dari mamanda -my mamanda at senior high school-
mamanda ini aneh kaleee sms-nya, gantung... dan singkat "hunz.." tuh kan aneh banget kan??

setelah ditanyain kenapa jawaban yang paling aneh muncul "... eh tadi ketemu tari, tari blng hany mau engagement, hayo ga cerita-cerita..."

waakkkss... ketawa langsung aku.. gosip gosip... ehh salah.. kalo gosip mah ada sumbernya tapi ntar ditambah2in... wajar lah.. 
lah yang ini, ketemu tari ajah enggak... cerita ma tari ajah juga engga... kok tiba2 ditodong tunangan.... wakkakkaka... sembari jahil jawab ajah "amin.." wakkakakka.... sewot dech akhirnya mamanda nya... hehheheh... mamanda, whether you read this blog or not... you won't be the last person to know if I am engaged... hehhehhe... ^^

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

my funny lovely mom...

hehehhehe... ada yang beda dari mami h0n belakangan ini.. jadi lebih mellow, kadang jadi lebih manja... kadang malah jadi lebih dewasa... hehehhehe... mami ku sayang... yang sabar ya mi....

this week she is officially taking her leave off from work, both works! and I can imagine how bored she is at home, since that she is my super mom!! very love her work... and very love her patient... guess what she's been thinking while she should take home rest... "pasien mami gimana ya??? mami kangen ma pasien mami... kasihan mami tinggal..." hueeee....she's my can't hardly freezed her leg and do nothing's mom!!! 

and that situation... take effects on me... as her daughter and her friend to talk... she sometimes being so weird, by acting mellow, spoiled, and even act like 'mom'... hehhehe... call me minimal twice a day to chat, texting me worrying me... and it ends up with another text "why dont you reply my text sweetie?" hehhehe.... then I apparently have to text her... hehehhe... mom.. mom... I know you are worried, I know that you are lonely there... I know that you are in the anything's not right situation... and believe it mom, I really want to be there... hehehhe.. watching you like this will be so nice... and funny *evil thought of mine hehhehe*

Mami.. InsyaAllah everything's going to be okay... so be patient and enjoy at home ^^

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mellow mom

Lately I kind a like to chat with my mom, twice a day minimal..when it used to be just in d weekend hehe.. Just regular chat like we use did in home before sleeping or right when she wake me..mother to daughter things..

And in d end of d conversation she's always say 'I love you' uhm..truly touch my heart..and with my pleasure I dont forget to say 'I love u too mami..'

Hm..mami..wish i could be near to you..n be just like u..even better ^^ *see how we both look almost d same* hehehe..

Thursday, March 4, 2010

be tough pa.... mom's need you...

I just called my mom... my father was the one who answered it since my mom still praying... hear his voice not as usual... something bothering him.. I know... his voice seemed so sad... and my mom's covered it... I know...

pak... be tough... mom's need you... we need you to do it...oohhh... wish I could be there... 
Bismillah... ya Allah... we know whatever it is... it will be the best for us...

I love you mom.. I love you pa...

there will always be sunshine after the storm

don't know where to start.. just want to write something to lift up my worry little bit...

hm... i dont want to cry... crying is not for me... *I kind a remember this old song which always be my favorite in sorrow*

"But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'"

hmmm... Ya Allah... apapun itu... hamba yakin itu yang terbaik buat kami... Ya Allah... tiada daya dan kekuatan, kecuali kekuatan Mu...