
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ninja Assassin (what a 'aaaarrrrrggghhhhh' movie)

okay... okay... here we go...
Glad to be back to write a little after several weeks off from the blog world ^^

here's the new from me... in my weekend alone... d*mn... really alone... I thirst for movies.. movie that can entertain me with the story that will keep me focus on that movie... then... the searching begin *my red inside black outside -RIBO- ext. hardisk and in the black inside red outside -BIRO- ext. hardisk plus lot of stack of dvds*

and then I found what I want "NINJA ASSASSIN" it's a action with full of martial arts plus blood anywhere... my type? not really... I don't have any specifics kind of movie to watch.. as long as the movie has a good story and packed well... then.. have to watch :p but why? uhm.. I like Rain... yup big fans of him, since the Full House serial drama... further about him you can googling or just visit this: long story short story... here's my review...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Love to Learn, Love to Use

hi there,

how's life? great right.... or hopefully yours just fine... coz... we should thank for what happened, since anything happens for reason ^^ *sok banget yah*

as my previous post, which mention that I have new companion name mang Mac *gosh really grateful to have him... no regret at all... just need to utilize him more :p hehehhe*, today post will tell you a little bit of my experience with him, as you know I just bought it last september... so still fresh...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

P3K Stroke (sangat PENTING!)


how's there? it's everything okay? I hope so...

yesterday, I received a sad news from the office, one of the colleagues had a stroke attack while meeting in Jakarta office. he was quite young, about 40s. and since, I know him... that even make us more sad hearing the news... Sir, hope you get well soon...

this is not the first event which happened in my work place, several people already had it... and why is that? and definitely stroke is not good!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the "unaccomplished" fishing

this is a late post ^^ (supposed to be on 14th November and near it)

happy Idul Adha... *as I say in d beginning, it is a late post :p so please understand...*

so happy in this year Idul Adha... *even it was little bit disturbed by news from office :( okay... okay... I'm not going to discuss about office in this post... so let forget it for a while*. this year Idul Adha was special, since that this is my first Idul Adha at my hometown in two year abroad ("merantau"). I took a few days leave, and it was worth!

I never knew that my mom need me so much till I came home... and thanks to Allah that I could come home... no regret at all... so in Sunday, we decided to have lunch outside... my father was driving the car without deciding where would we have lunch at. the choices on that time were eating Gulai Kambing in Tempoe Dulu or eating Kepiting Cak Gundul... and since it was so sunny... hehehehe... we prefer Tempoe Dulu then...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

something from "so-not-me" workshop

just got home from my so-not-me workshop in Bukittinggi...

why is that? coz in d whole section of d workshop... I dont get what we were discussing about,  or they have been debating about... totally blank... and not intend to know more... since we're discussing about the rule in archival matters... coz I'm simple one... I'm not really understand the complicated on it...

then why I join the workshop? simple answered coz my boss said so... hehehhehe...

so two days has been my idle time... with no work... (gosh I miss my office)... but lot of foods... yup... lot of it...

in d last day.. we had this chance to go to Jam Gadang and shop... since that I'm not shopping girl... so most of the time the committee gave us, I spent it with hanging around in Jam Gadang... and took this narciss picture... hehehhe...

And since it was still long to wait... then I deided to have a twister in KFC... I asked teteh's hubby to accompany me... but it was ended up with buying "oleh-oleh" for teteh and my house mate -MRQ- hehehhe we travel to Bukittinggi, but it ended up by buying KFC hey... that was because KFC was much better for us than the nasi Kapau.. fuihhh full of fat!!!

ok then... time to sleep now..

love always,

Sedari Dulu

there is a song... my favorite song... the fall in love song... and I love to hear it... come come my prince charming... please show urself to me... please...

[this song dedicated to someone.. which coz a reason.. don't show up yet...]

SEDARI DULU (by dr. Tompi)

Hatiku berharap
Mungkin engkau kan berubah
Bisa mencintai aku
Seperti hatiku padamu

Hujan badai kan kutempuh
Bintang dilangit kan kuraih
Bila harus ku kan merayu
Untuk cintamu bagiku

Cintamu tlah menjadi candu
Cintamu tlah membuatku membisu
Cintamu ohh seindah lagu
Membuatku tak bisa berpaling darimu

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome Mang Mac and Bub-bye Flashy

Updated news from me... I bought myself a new Macbook Pro when I was in my Idul Fitri's holiday, I named him Mang Mac ^^

Mang Mac will replace my best Ac*r laptop which already rest in peace about a year ago. Mang Mac wouldn't do much daily work, since he is a private laptop :p
It's been a tough, hard, not easy life with mang Mac... yup.. in the beginning of every relationship is not easy, lot of things need adjustment... between my habit and behavior with his and that's what we call Compromise! (gosh! now, I'm talking my laptop just like I talk about my boy -_____-" hehehehehe... he is the substitution now :p so why should I care?)

Pray For Indonesia!

Hi there...
how's life...

so sad hearing news about the nature disaster in Indonesia, earthquake and tsunami in Mentawai, volcanic eruption in Mount Merapi... let's #prayforindonesia hope for strength and patient for those in lost, coz there always be a sunshine after the storms... we have to survive, we have to struggle... so let's we pray and do something for our indonesia.

Mentawai, is in Sumatera Barat Province, in the same province where I work now, the earthquake before the tsunami were quite noticed here... several earthquake I felt even though I'm in Indarung... still can't believe and how they feel there... people who live in Padang and Mentawai... but then.. the news turned out to be there was tsunami in Mentawai...

and how's Jogja?? my favorite get away city... you gotta to survive just like couple years ago when the earthquake shook you badly... bad it was totally so sad seeing that beautiful city turn to be a dusty city... and those nice people now bowed their head sadly... everytime watching the news... I just wish I be there... do something...

today I called my cousin who live in Klaten... she said situation is bad in there especially near the merapi, the sound of the eruption... the huge wind which bring material is so scary... but Alhamdulillah they are okay... but then one of our relative... we still don't know how she is... she is my grandparent sister... living about 17km near Merapi... last information... she didn't want to move out from her house... and till now we still don't know how she is? Bismillah.. Ya Allah.. please protect her.... Amin...

Please God, give strength for all of us and light their burden and hopefully all this ordeal ends with a happy ending... amin...


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Weekend: totally nowhere!!!

hue... happy monday everyone...

how's ur weekend? mine... totally nice... two days nowhere less than 2 km around the mess ^^ yup... totally feels that we were in long weekend!

Saturday morning: nowhere
like usual I wake quite late around 8 pm still in my laziness... wake by my mom's call but still in the hug of my beloved blanket... and suddenly an angel voice came.. *wakakkaka* then I wake up took a shower, tidy up my bed and my cupboard. clean the dirty plates, and clean our dining/family table... then do cooking things with m'ayu... hmm... it was sayur bayam, deep fried squids, and tumis tempe+teri... huaa... delicious... we're eating our breakfast and watched movie... and yiaaaaaaakkss... still in the morning.. and we already watched a "gay" movie!!! wakakakkakkakka...
oops.. It's not what you think!! it wasn't pure "gay" homo... actually it was korean in the past movie... which the king has this sex disorientation... he is gay! yup in love with his own emperor guard.. who's already be his friend since their childhood. okay.. there was no any inappropriate scenes there... coz it was VCD! the movie title is A Frozen Flower... funny.. we've seen this movie.. but it was a nice film... *hopefully I could write something about this movie*

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Iphone vs Blackberry

lohaaa... setelah sekian banyak post tergantung di draft... hari ini hon bertekat untuk menuntaskan post satu ini... itung-itung ngelepas kangen nulis blog dan rehat dari angka-angka seputar si item dekil dan gulungan si putih.

post ini terinsiprasi dari fenomena iphone and blackberry... mengutip salah satu tweet seseorang dari twitter "life was much simple when apple & blackberry were just fruits" and that's totally true!! ^^

Friday, September 24, 2010


cin[T]a is a movie...
cin[T]a is an indie movie...

it was all started with I'm browsing for movie Sang Pencerah to completed my post, and then I also find this movie, called cin[T]a... I ever heard the story.. and I like it a lot when I took a peek at the story... wow.. it's indie... with great resume that really works to make people curious about the movie (they got me!) okey, here are the official review taken from

Romantic Dinner

this post created after having discussion with my friend, who's been busy preparing the everlasting unforgettable full of moment romantic dinner. fuiiihhhh.... long rite? that's why this romantic dinner is so special to him.

any women love to have one. who doesn't want? any women will be flattered to be treated like that ^^

can you describe a romantic dinner, with ur loving one, of course? hmm... most of us... or the standard and yet so universal answers would be the candle light dinner. in where? in any place which has lot of candles, or surround by vague lights (that's the basic environment that could create a romantic situation *the writer is quite "sotoy" here hehehhe :P* and the place can be anywhere... in the fancy restaurant, in the beach, in the rooftop... any place that you can imagine and like... gosh... romantic rite? ^^

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Empal Daging

Hmm... ramadhan kali ini... bener2 seru...
Ramadhan di villa *mess baru hon, red*, setiap buka masak-masak sendiri... menu rumahan dech pokoknya.. dan itu sangat menyenangkan... alhamdulillah...

Menu buka pun selama Ramadhan ini.. hmm.. lumayan bervariasi lah.. walopun masih didominasi ma tumis dan tempe (kalo tempe ini mang sengaja... hehehhe) pokoknya bener2 masakan rumahan... yang masak 3 orang (berhubung satu mess bertiga...) banyak yang lucu di sini... terkait adjustable hidup dan masak bersama... (ok we won't discuss it in this post...) kembali ke topic... ^^

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our Football Match

Wow.. wow... another collated photo nie.. this photos were taken on July 9th 2010 in a football match between PROPERA staff and TRANS JACK staff (if I'm not wrong)... okay I guess I mixed up... the point is there were four team (PROPERA, TRANS JEK, SUPER BEN, and I didn't notice the other one)... it was staff game, so the duration is 2x15' with break 15' (hehehehe... very short time right, but the sweat they produced same as many as pro hahahhahaha).

watching the game was fun, especially when meeting our friends there, so those are the narciss picture of us, you can see kodok with the tight and narciss photo of him, doraemon with a very tight uniform, mas senior with a very girlie pose, photo of the game, photo of spectators, and us... the xmt '08

gosh.. time passed so fast.. I just remembered my first porseni... just as fun as this one... but this year porseni... hue.. less hurting... and less noticed... hehehehe...

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jejak Jalan Sehat 2010

Wow, finally I can install Picasa on my laptop... *fuihh... so happy*. What I like about Picasa is I can easily do the collate photos, so I didn't have to upload lot of pictures to share -coz I need only one collated photo, to describe the moment! Great right ^^ Yihaayyy...- And collated photo upstair is my creation, they were our photos from Jalan Sehat Semen Padang 2010 event (Semen Padang's Jogging Event) in order to celebrate company's expropiation and a hundred years our company's anniversary.

Me and my other eight friends (bi' nito, m'ayu, doraemon, TTT, koko, kodok, IP, mas pri) were grouped together along the route... sharing the joy and do the narcis thing together. the photos were taken anywhere we could along the route, start from on the way to the fountain, on the way to Bukit Atas, before the golf field, in the golf field, in our way to IND 1 -backgrounded the Limestone mining hill- and anywhere we could do the pose!!! much of it were taken by kodok -who's volunteered to be my photographer- heheehehe...
It was a great event.. I really did enjoy it.. since it's quite hard now to gather us (XMT '08) in this kind a of event... I'm sure gonna miss this moment... Guys... thanks for accompany me... thanks for being around me... thanks for being my friend... thanks for tolerating my behaviour... Thanks for everything... this whole "merantau" thing is easier because of you... Love you all... hopefully we could fine success in life and in the future life.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I wanna go home...

playing on my head:
Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I’ve got to go home

Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

Yup, Michael Buble - Home... the most favorite song... remains me of home... which always make me want to go home... Baiti Jannati - Rumahku Surgaku - My home is my heaven on earth... that's quote fit me well...

akibat bergaul dengan Pasutri

Hey there... how’s life? Is everything rite? Hopefully everyone’s fine even better. So this is my second week in a new mess, happy? I am... it almost like family here... we connected by that family room in front of our rooms... that family room turns to be our watching tv room, our dining room, and our chat room. That room was surprisingly turns to be our gravitation in this house.

And regarding the topic, as all we are know (I assume all of you already know J this is my blog I own the rules) my dear house mate MRQ is already married and they’re having long distance married or we called it Cinta Satu Malam (ooohhh.... indahnya... ohhh capeknya.. hehhehe). And as we all know, many of my gals friend (XMT ’08) is already married, like my married bibi’, teteh, and bi’ nito. And since that our company contract regulation ends in the end of August, now, everyone is racing to have baby... *I want it tooo..... hiks*

Movie: My Sister's Keeper

Today at Indonesia 65th Independence Day, we had this ceremony in the office, and after that we can enjoy our whole day as we like. Short story, I have done my cleaning task, and I dont feel I want a nap.. so I start search for dvd, and I found this one.. stared by Cameron Diaz -one of my favorite actress- the title is My Sister’s Keeper, it was a drama... big drama movie... so drama actually. And it is a great drama movie... lot of morals there... and touchy...

So here the big story.

So there is a family contains of mom (cameron diaz) and a father, they have two children, Jesse (the older boy), Kate (the lovely daughter) and then there is the aunty. When Katie still a baby, doctor diagnose acute promyelocytic leukemia, neither the parent nor the brother have the match donor for her. Then the doctor suggest to make a baby -an engineered baby-, the baby was engineered to have genetic match for her older sister, Kate, then born little Anna.  

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ayam Goreng ala Mamiku

as per your sweet request my dear friend,
sebagai perantau yang hidup di mess, dan harus bekerja dari pagi hingga sore, serta tak akan sempat berbelanja sayur mayur tiap harinya, maka harus pintar pintar dalam menyiapkan menu masakannya, tidak untuk hari ini saja tapi untuk seminggu.

jauhnya pasar dari komplek mess, tentu hambatan untuk dapat berbelanja tiap hari. jadi setiap pergi memasak, pasti dicari sesuatu yang dapat dimasak dan dapat dihidangkan untuk beberapa hari. salah satu pilihan adalah membuat ayam goreng.

dan ayam goreng favoritku, dari resep mami... ayamnya diungkep dengan berbagai macam bumbu. dan fuihhh... rasanya mang mantab! enak banget... ini terbukti dari banyaknya temen2 yang suka ma ayam goreng bikinanku... hehehhehe...

dari Pejalan Kaki ke Penebeng Sejati

Tak terasa sudah lama, hon merantau di ranah minang ini, tepatnya sudah hampir 2 tahun. Masih ingat di angan 31 Agustus 2008 sambil menahan haru, keluarga melepas hon ke padang. Tiga ramadhan telah dilalui di tanah ini bersama 20-an lainnya yang juga perantau... diantara-nya 6 sahabat perempuan hon yang tough abis.. berani merantau hingga ke sini...

dan selama itu pulalah hon bertempat tinggal di komplek perusahaan L75, sebuah komplek untuk karyawan, mess hon tepat di depan lapangan bola kecil, lapangan bola besar terletak dekat dengan kantor pusat, pandangan keluar rumah langsung tertuju pada deretan silo-silo dan cerobong suspension preheater, yang terkadang berbatuk-batuk ria. lucunya batuk itu terkadang menenangkan kami, karena berarti pabrik tidak stop hehehehe -bukan suatu hal yang baik memang, namun suatu hal yang lucu bagi kami.

Friday, August 13, 2010

my curiousity in "Expandable Post Summary"

Hue... what's wrong with me yah? after two weeks rumbling with numbers, chart, and t-code, Now, I kind a "choose" to have my idle time here, actually there's still lot thing that I can do... but I don't know why, today, I'm tempted to do something else, like write this UN-IMPORTANT post and work on my blog template.

Actually, this desire's already came about two days ago, when I read the 100 most visited blog in Indonesia. and Wow!! it's not a celebrity whose in d first rank, and almost many of them I don't really know who they are! *or it just me who didn't know them -____-a* okay, the point is I'm curious with their blog, how their blog can be so famous? and then... daaaaaang... I open two blog... the #1 blog and one of them random picked blog. two of them, I have no idea who they are... but then... I guess their just ordinary people with fantastic blog.

catatan dinas - part 2 "explorer"

ok lanjutan dari catatan dinas yang super ribet itu, berakhir manis... hehehe.. malahan kerasa banget fun-nya, waktu yang sesingkat itu bisa disulap jadi sangat berkualitas ^^

at the office - 27 Juli 2010
so, hari itu nyampe the East, on time :) malahan pihak pengundang yang telat. rapat atau lebih tepatnya diskusi berjalan lancar... ya maklumlah sebagai pihak baru, h0n lebih banyak melihat situasi dan menyesuaikan diri. berhubung agenda rapat sedikit, h0n berasa bakal cepet nie selesai rapatna... *huh.. tahu gini kan ga usah book hotel dua malam -___-" langsung cao ajah juga bisa... huhuhu* 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wonokairun & Bunali - Turunan

Isuk-isuk wong sak bonbin gupuh kuabeh krungu berita ono gajah matek mergo wis tuwek.
Masio kulite kisut keriput tapi bobote ono lek 2 ton.

Brudin sing biasane dodolan es gronjong nang bon-bin sakno ndelok Mbah Wonokairun nuangis mbrebes mili.

Wonokairun & Bunali - Untu

Wonokairun loro untu lungo nang dokter gigi konco lawase jenenge Bunali.
"Waduh mbah, untu sampeyan kudhu dicabut..." jare Bunali.
"Yo wis jabuten ae ben ndang waras" jare Wonokairun.

Mari dijabut Bunali takok "Wis gak loro maneh mbah?"
"Iyo wis enak saiki, piro ongkose dok?" Wonokairun takok.
"Wis gak usah mbayar mbah, gratis ae" jare Bunali.

"Waduh suwun suwun,... tak dungakno sampeyan mlebu suargo" jare Wonokairun.

Pas nang omah Wonokairun ngoco, langsung nggeblak semaput.
Tibake sing dijabut iku untu emase.

bbm group: IKA ITS PTSP
shared by om 'Yat
my note: -___-"

Wonokairun & Bunali - Sepur

Wonokairun teko nang stasiun Gubeng, pethukan ambek Brudin dhodholan es.
"Din, sepur nang jakarta wis liwat tah?" takok Wonokairun.
"Wah telat sampeyan mbah, wis budhal jam pitu mau..." jare Brudin.
"Lek sepur nang banyuwangi wis liwat tah durung...? takok Wonokairun.
"Lho sik tas ae Mbah, kiro-kiro sepulung menit kepungkur..." jare Brudin.
"Lek sepur sing nang semarang wis liwat tah durung...?" takok Wonokairun.
‎​"Oooh lek iku mengo awan jam rolas budhale. Sik tah Mbah, ben sepur sampeyan takokno!! Sampeyan iku sakjane arep nang endhi?" Brudin bingung.
"Arep nyabrang..."

bbm group: IKA ITS PTSP
shared by om 'Yat
my note: wakakakkakka

Wonokairun & Bunali - Kerjo

Isuk-isuk Wonokairun pethukan ambek Brudin budhal kerjo.

"Wuik gaya rek . .saiki areke jaketan rek." jare Wonokairun.
"Iyo mbah, saiki aku kerjo nang nggon adem" jare Brudin.
"Ketrimo nang kantor endhi Din?" jare Wonokairun.
"Aku gak kerjo nang kantor mbah." jare Brudin.
"Nang endhi lho??" takok Wonokairun.
"Nang pabrik es batu..."

bbm group: IKA ITS PTSP
shared by om 'Yat
my note: hahhahahhahha

Wonokairun & Bunali - Bronpit

Wonokairun kepingin ngojek, soale lek mbecak royokan penumpang kalah terus.
Isuk-isuk Wonokairun wis sliwar-sliwer belajar numpak bronpit.
Lagek mlaku sedhiluk, dhadhak wis dicegat pulisi.
Tibake pulisine ikut Bunali, tonggone dhewe.

Wonokairun & Bunali - Bon bin

Wonokairun sir-siran nang Bon Bin, dhadhak pethukan maneh ambek Brudin dhodholan es gronjong.

"Coca cola loro Cak!" jare Wonokairun.
"Aku gak ndhuwe Coca Cola Mbah, modalku cilik, durung cukup gae kulak coca cola.  Es gronjong ae yo, tak jamin sueger Mbah" jare Brudin.
"Aku ngomong ambek wong sing ndhuwe rombong nang mburimu." jare Wonokairun.

Oooh uawas kon yo, Brudin nggondhok.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Wonokairun & Bunali - penumpang becak

Isuk-isuk Wonokairun wis mruput mancal becak golek penumpang.
Mari ngono oleh penumpang cewek uayu ambune wangi rambute teles mari kramas, Wonokairun sueneng poll.

"Arep nang endhi Ning?" jare Wonokairun.
"Nang slompretan mbah.." jare ceweke.
"Waduh gak weruh aku nggone ning.." jare Wonokairun.
"Wis mbah pokoke sampeyan mancal ae nurut komandoku.." jare ceweke.
"Oke boss.." jare Wonokairun ambek mbukak terpal becake, karepe ben iso ngrasakno mambu wangi rambute cewek iku.

Wonokairun & Bunali - Mbecak

Bosen ngemis, saiki Wonokairun mbecak.  Be'e hasile luwih akeh pikire.
Pas mancal ambek tingak-tinguk golek penumpang, moro-moro ono turis bule nyeluk.

"Come ...please . . ." jarene bule ambek ngawe becake Wonokairun.
"Kamplis...??? . . .wah salah, sing bener iku Klampis mister..cedhake jalan Mletho kono lho . . ." jare Wonokairun.
"Pardon me..??" bulene bingung.
"Parmi ..??  oalah Parmi tah?  iyo weruh aku omahe." jare Wonokairun ambek ngguya ngguyu.
"What??!!" bulene sik bingung.
"Kuat??? . ..yo kuat rek, masio wis tuwek tapi sik tahes iki . ." jare Wonokairun ambek mantuk mantuk.
"Lets go!!.." jarene bule mantuk-mantuk pisan.
"Pekgo!!..wok kemalan rek!! wong ngomong limang ewu ae athik boso mandarin barang. Oke Mister!!" jare Wonokairun.

Mari bulene munggah, Wonokairun langsung nyengklak becake.
Bareng wis mlebu Klampis gang buntu, Wonokairun langsung bengok-bengok.

"Diiinnn!!! Bruuuudiinnnn!!!! Ono wong bule nggoleki bojomuuuuu.!!!!"

bbm group: IKA ITS PTSP
shared by om 'Yat
my note: mekso tapi masukkk hehehhe

Wonokairun & Bunali - Ngemis

Wonokairun lagi mbambung ngemis nang ngarepe TP, dhadhak Bunali teko katene ngemis pisan.
"Sampeyan wis suwi tah ngemis nang kene? Yok opo wis oleh akeh tah?" takok Bunali.
"Yo lumayan se, sak dino paling sithik aku oleh seket ewu." jare Wonokairun.
"Wah yo lumayan yo, tenguk-tenguk oleh seket ewu.  Eh Mbah, sampeyan gak nduwe anak tah, kok sampek kudhu ngemis koyok ngene?" takok Bunali.
"Anakku wolu wis gedhe-gedhe, telu nang ITS, loro nang Unair, siji nang Unbra, loro maneh nang IKIP. " jarene Wonokairun bangga.
"Wah gak nyongko rek, hebat sampeyan mbah. Durung ono sing lulus tah anak sampeyan?" takok Bunali.
"Anakku gak ono kuliah cak!" jare Wonokairun.
"Ooh dadi dosen tah??" takok Bunali.
"Salah peno cak." jare Wonokairun.
"Lha laopo lo??" takok Bunali.
"Yo koyok bapake iki, ngemis kabeh..."

bbm group: IKA ITS PTSP
shared by om 'Yat
my note: shared in the morning, made me laughing alone in the middle of the busy office ^^

catatan dinas - part 1 "ujian"

banyak hal menarik dari dinas "ribet" minggu ini. mulai yang menegangkan ampe yang menyedihkan, and yang seru-seru ada semua dipaket dinas sehari, yang disulap jadi melewati tiga tanggal. loh kok bisa?? bisa dunk... ^^

dinas kali ini agendanya cuma rapat sih, di jakarta, kantor perwakilan grup, dihadiri staf dari 3 grup minim bos, karena itu this is my first duty-trip alone in city that I'm not familiar with!!! undangan rapat, tertulis: selasa, 27 juli 2010 (09.00 sd 17.00). undangan di kirim hari Senin. dan baru dapat ijin dari boss pukul 16.15 *perkiraan*. target berangkat Senin malam, dengan berbagai alasan, antara lain keterlambatan dan bangun pagi *dan yang memberatkan mang alasan bangun pagi :p* pukul 16.30 dan masih belum mendapatkan tiket, lantaran full booked. telpon bagian tiketing di bandara, yang ada di suruh k bandara, siapa tau dapat tiket. Ok, langsung k bandara... berharap dapat tiket malam ini juga...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

d concerto ^^

July, 13th
Tuesday nite
Music Concert time!!
Artist: Vierra and Afgan
Place: Hotel PB, Padang

We'd like to repeat our fun while we were watching Tompi Concert on March 2010. So, here we are... on saturday, 10th of July, bi' nito announcing the concert of Vierra and Afgan in our MT group, as a refreshing seeker, I was the first who joined the concert squad ^^, then there our old concert mate, TTT would also like to join, but he didn't know exactly whether he could go or not. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

the mineral water misery

okay... I kind a a messed in this weekend... 
maybe it's because I get my period, so that's why become such sensitive and such mellow...
and coz one not really important thing yesterday... hey and it's really mellowed me...

so all of this start with I'm running out of mineral water. and we do have specific brand for our gallon water. since that my house mate, MRQ, having married in her hometown, that means I have to fulfill our house need by myself *or I have to think it by myself*. Then, I called doraemon for help, and apparently he was on a date with m'ayu at Padang (attempt one failed). I tried to call noph2, and it was diverting... yup.. we had problem in calling him, it seemed it always get diverted :( (attempt two failed).

and since that in the afternoon, TTT contacted me through bbm in regarding to return MRQ's bag, then I asked him to help me, but he rejected *through bbm* he said that his mill stop, and okay I understand that.. it was really an emergency... then.. I texted Raden... my last choice.. he didn't reply...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cabbage Teriyaki with Beef

First, I'd like to have beef teriyaki as my dinner, but in other hand I'd like vegetable also to accompany my teriyaki. and since I'd only have one stove, and it's electric stove... and it takes long times to cook on it... so it's so take long time for me to cook two dishes :( Then, come the idea to combine it into one dishes... I combined the cabbages and beef with the teriyaki recipe... hehehhe.. but then I found out that I have only a piece of beef... so then here comes the Cabbage Teriyaki with Beef. Okay... let's go cooking ^^

Monday, July 12, 2010

my Final World Cup

Morning world ^^

today, I wake up so early around 2.30 a.m (yup it's still dawn!!), surprisingly wake up without my mobile alarm rang!! I wake up in shocked... get up.. and I remember my television.. yup, today is the big match Final World Cup 2010 between my both favorite team Netherland and Spain! Both I like, but I put my more hope to Netherland... I fall for them more since they beat Brazil in Quarter Final.

I push my eyes open... me myself between holding my pillow, tweeting, and watch the game... oohh.. little bit disappointed with both played... too much faults, too much fall down, too much diving, too much whistle's noises, and too much free kicks... gosh... so awful... so bored... no beautiful soccer at all... too disappointed with both of them... where's your beautiful play while u had match with Brazil, and where's your amazing play when you met Germany.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sikuai Island : beautiful indeed

"you dont have to have a sophisticated camera to take the best picture
you dont have to be a professional photographer to take the best picture
coz.. it is already naturally beautiful.... even with the worst camera and the worst person to take it... it is still beautiful!!!"

too exaggerate maybe... but it's TRUE, prove it by visit Sikuai Island... nice blue ocean blending with the white sand and the green of the trees on the island, and yet you can see the coral with your bare eyes -so beautiful-. let me give you a peek of pictures:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

h0n's Book Review: Last weekend on June

hey... I kinda like reading lately... and I read good books last week... two books I like to share in here, and Marmut Merah Jambu (MMJ), two different type of book but both of them are good book... highly recommended to be read. I read since two months ago *I guess* but I just could finish it last week, that's because I have other things to take care of... lot of things to be exact. Ok here's my review:

Monday, July 5, 2010

E.T Pizza (Eggs - Tofu Pizza)

Okay... this week, actually on Monday... I'd like to cook something different for my dinner. and when I saw my refrigerator I found myself that I had tofu there... then I remember my mom cook me Eggs - Tofu and she made the best... then I texted her to get the recipe, but until 6 p.m I didn't get any reply from her, so I'd like to dare myself cooking it. And I find MRQ's recipe book, I'd look for egg tofu, but I found something else... bean sprout with egg, but since that the ingredients were not in my list, then I'll try to make my own... so here we go (this is based on what my mom cook):

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Belanda lolos!!!

hue.. malam ini pertandingan piala dunia antara Belanda vs Brazil, h0n jagoin Belanda dunk.. kostumnya itu loh funky abiezz hehehhe...
Gila... buju busyet.. laga pertama di menit menit awal.. Brazil ngegolin... Belanda mainnya kayak blom tune in gitu... sumpah h0n ngantuk banget... merem kayak e itu... tapi... pada waktu babak kedua... hiyaaaaaaaaah... can't close my eyes... it was a very tight game... it was a FINAL WORLD CUP GAME!! so tense.. nice play.. Netherland goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.... from a free kick.. wow... then the game just turn great... not long after that another goal made by Schneider (tau' apakah itu ejaan yang benar hehehhe) wow... and I'm just so happy that my team win!!! yes.. yes... yes... Nice play guys ^^

Thursday, July 1, 2010

things on my head

Deep down in me.. maybe I am still wondering why? *but I'm too afraid to ask... coz I believe whatever it was you already thought about it... you already put all of the facts and risk... and for me you are the most mature man that I ever known that ever closed to me... so those decision for me is a valid one... a strong one...* even... somehow sometimes... I still dont get it... I am still wondering... but... let's move on... 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What a day

today I supposed to be so happy since I have opportunity to visit beautiful island like Sikuai island with friends... and I supposed to write my blog with my cheerful and so great story in Sikuai... but then I dont know why... lot of things happened.. lot of things come in mind... seeing the beautiful beach.. just watching to nowhere... really surprised of what Allah created... subhanallah.. it was so peaceful.. then it makes me think a lot of thing... suddenly I became so mellow... everything come in mind... make me wonder... wonder and wonder... ya Allah.. I do believe that You have something beautiful for me... something to wait for... something that may be I'll be getting it by patient... I believe all of it... my belief for You... for Your Kindness which make me strong... and Ya Allah please lead me stay in believe... to stay stand...

and then when a way back to Padang, in the boat... I feel something different... it's very different from our way to Sikuai.. more silent... and it was cloudy.. and so silent... make me more mellow...

and then we went to Red Bean to have some dinner... and something also happened... an earthquake not really big one... not make us stand and run... but it quite worrying me... even I stay calm.. coz since I saw the electric pole was shaked... quite worrying me more...then plus the lightning... my friend was quite shocked... the earthquake just fine... but I dont know why... all of things happened today.. just make me think a lot of things... my past... my future... what I have to learn from my past and for my future... and what path should I take for my own goodness for my future..

ya Allah... please let someone take me out from here...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nonton Bola Bareng

baru pertama kali ini nonton pertandingan piala dunia di tipi... biasane seh cuma dipake buat background ajah... pertandingan hari ini yang kita tonton tuh Jepang vs Paraguay... dukung Jepang!!! *update ini sekarang lagi mo adu penalty nie...*

ok short story yah... yang lagi di depan tipi nie.. ada hanny, bibi' nito, dan MRQ... tipi lagi nyalain bola... tapi sebenernya... secara fisik kita memang ada di ruangan dan bahkan di atas sleeping bag yang sama, tapi we do different activities loh... yang bikin kita nyatu cuma sleeping bag dan tipi dengan bolanya...

bi' nito lagi asyik nonton dead note 3 (film jepang yang tentang buku kematian, dimana setiap nama yang tertulis di notes itu pasti mengalami kematian), hanny as u know lagi asyik ngeblog sambil update twitter... MRQ lagi telpon telponan ma calon bojo sambil sekali sekali ikutan nonton death note dan bola...

nah si bi' nito nie gampang takut... hiyaaah aneh mang, tau takutan tapi tetep ae nonton death note.. jadinya sesekali minta ditemenin nonton....hanny yang lagi seru mainin twitter kecewa hebat... lantaran ga d BB ga d laptop twitternya ngehang.. padahal pengen update bola... so banyakan akhirnya nonton bola dengan serius.. hehehhe.... MRQ ini nie yang lebih banyak nonton bola nya sambil bahas lewat telpon...

hiyaaah.. jepang mainnya lumayan bagus... suka.. sayang ya kudu adu penalti... ihhhh deg degan nie.. skor sekarang 1-1....dan akhirnya one shoot missed and japan lost... but it's okay... SALUTE for Japan... they play TERRIFIC....

okay... time to sleep, tomorrow it's a big day... I'm going to Sikuai island (hope it's true)
now, the problem how to arrange the bed for three... wakakakkakka...
hanny with love...
nice game guys!!! really... proud of you as the Asian's representative in world cup!!!

My milad -part 2-

uhuk..uhuk.. ehm... sebenerna miladnya udah lewat sieh... tapi berhubung kemaren dibikin my milad -part1- so kusu ada my milad -part 2- nya dunk... klo kemaren lebih banyak hanny cerita di malam pergantian usia hanny, sekarang hanny lebih pengen cerita pas hari nya... (day-nya lah) hehehhehe... 

jadi hanny setelah pergantian usia itu.. coba bubuk lagi.. agak susah sieh.. soale dah terlanjur kebangun... tapi alhamdulillah bisa bobok lagi... dan alhamdulillah bisa bangun on schedule... buka mata seperti biasa ngecari hape buat matiin alarm sekalian liat jam... karena banyak icon yang muncul (lebay nech) so dbukain dech satu satu.. lagi lagi temen-temen hanny (mang mo ngarep sapa lagi d: ) sepanjang sahur ampe berangkat kerja... mulai sms, bbm, bbm-grup, fesbuk, ampe telpon... lengkap dech pokok e...  sekali lagi makasih teman-teman ku...

pagi itu bener bener suasana hati sedang sangat suangat baeeek... bawaannya seneng terus... senyum teruss.... dan memang sih... sepanjang hari itu hanny terus terusan liat hape hanny... bis temen-temen lucu... kadang malah agak nyebelin... but in a funny and sweet way... ampe tuh BB hanny silent all day karena berisik nya... maklum temen2 MT pada ribut d bbm grup... ribut ngucapin plus pada jahil... kayakna hari itu mereka kengangguren dech... hehehehee.... seharian sibuk bacain notification fesbuk d hape... belakangan ini hanny mang agak lowong kerjaannya... pokoknya bener2 feels different.. feels so happy...

gimana ga mo happy... sepanjang hari itu... banyak yang ngedoain hanny... doanya baek baek lagi... karena itu seneng banget... paling seneng kalo nerima ucapan plus doa... walopun mungkin doanya standard "wish u all d best" tapi buat hanny itu udah sangat berarti... teman.. makasih doanya...

berharap setiap hari ulang tahun... sehingga setiap hari banyak yang mendoakan juga ^^
ya Allah, syukur alhamdulillah... 
for all those prays... thank you... amin amin Ya Allah

Monday, June 28, 2010

My milad -part 1-


hari ini hanny milad nie ^^ *smoga sisa umur hanny lebih bermanfaat dan mendapat barokah dari Allah SWT, bisa berbakti kepada orang tua, berguna dan membahagiakan orang sekitar, bisa membahagiakan suami dan anak 'future pray', amin*

tadi malam, hanny sama sekali ga kepikiran macam2 buat malam pergantian umur hanny ini... pikir hanny, tidur...besok pagi kudu bangun pagian, karena mo sahur dan bla bla lainnya, bener ga ada pikiran untuk bangun malam, yahhh secara single gitu lohhh...kalo tahun tahun sebelumnya pasti ada acara bangun teng jam 12 buat seremoni... nah sekarang skip dech... mo bobok...

eh... hiyaaah... dasar ya!! tuh BB ribut ae kerjaannya... tuing-tuing... teretteteng... klik.. klik. BrrrBrrr*getar* bunyi ae... awal2 cuekin ajah kan... tapi bukannya malah berhenti...teutep ae ribut tuh BB.. dari segala bunyi bunyian keluar.. mbek.... gukguk...meong... mowwww... krik krik krik... ngik ngik ngik.. mang lo kata BB hanny kandang hewan... ckckckck.... 

akhirnya nyerah juga dech... akhirnya sleeping beauty terbangun dari buaian mimpi indah *btw mimpi apa penting dech* ternyata temen-temen hanny menyapa dan menghaturkan segala doa melalui bbm, bbm-group, twitter, fesbuk... huee... some of the message... so melting... some others so nice and funny... terharu hanny dibuatnya... untung hanny lagi ga pake mascara so ga item-item tuh mata *waaaks ga nyambung* then I realize... betapa sayangnya Allah sama hanny... tahun ini Allah ga hanya kasih satu buat nemenin pergantian ultah hanny.. tapi Allah kasih lebih buat gantiinnya... Alhamdulillah... segala puji dan syukur kepada Allah SWT... 

thank you guys... it means a lot.. 
Alhamdulillah ^^

Saturday, June 26, 2010

kok bisa yah...

malam ini temen h0n ad yang nginep di mess... lantaran ditinggal temen mess nya dinas luar kota... 
okay, dia ini dah punya cowok... long distance gitu... kalo malem suka nelpon... hari ini... dia kayakna lagi semangat banget tiduran di kasur h0n... sambil ngocehin isi majalah.. okay short story... cowokna nie dah tidur... padahal dia lagi pengen nelpon... terus akhirna dia nelpon temen cowok e yang lain... yang aneh tuh...
kok bisa bisanya dia manja ma temen cowoknya? -__-a
hiyaaaah... bener aneh... ga bisa aku bayangin diriku manja ma temen cowok (not special one yah)...
pertama... aku nya mang males... ngapain manja ke temen ku... lagian kalo manja ke temen cowok biasa na kalo ada permintaan... manjanya pun ga yang mendayu dayu gitu kaleee... 
kedua... kalo pun aku manja... ga bisa bayangin ekspresi temen2 cowokku.. sebut ajah.. kodok, beruang, koko, doraemon... hue... bakal di hina dina diriku... diinjak injak pula... diketawain ampe puas kaleee...
hiyaaaahhh... mang orang tuh beda beda yah... yo wes lah.. pusing kalo dipikir dalem dalem...

h0n -serious in front d office's laptop... hearing the weird convey ever!-

teman-temanku dan kelainannya

hi guys,

in this post, I'd like to introduce my friend from my lovely lab. when I was in college... but of course in a very un-ordinary way in introducing them... by photos that I will share in below... and little bit story of their weird activity...
actually... there was... oops... there is issue around my friends (especially the boy friends)... the issue is whether they are gay or the just like being gay... or they just like watcing gay stuff... hehehhhe... yiakkkss really... but we should take our friend just the way they are right... hehehhe... so let's here some facts:

first, yup... I guess they or one of them or I dont know who... like to watch gay stuff... this was proven by the files which contains gay stuff in our laboratory's computer... whoaaaaa.... who did that... who kept those files... wakakkkaka... still mistery...

second, hehehhhe...I think they like each other... but... I dont want to describe in word... but I know how to describe it in a better way to understang it... here we go...
 beruang and mas SapuLidi's son
 The picture up there... was one of happy moment together... see how happy they were... xixixixi...
Jale and beruang nepsong
hiyaaa... another beruang photo with male... now.. it's jale turn... see how "cool" jale and how passionate beruang was... wakakakka.. and this picture was taken in mall!!! daaaang!!!

my lab boys... beruang-kiddy*dont know the name*-pak de-probo
Actually picture above.. not related with our gay topic... but I open my file, I fount that picture and I like it... is so funny... 

If we think deeper... I found that my close friend in lab which quite normal is just probo... coz in my D500's mobile file... I couldn't find any abnormalities in his picture... so bravo probo!!! but still I will search in my another file.. so beware... wakakkaka...

okay that's all for this post.. so u already know severalof my friends.. hopefully in the future I'll give another funny pict of them... xixiixixi ....bub-byeeee

saturday nite -after discussion in SMSI 4 thn yg lalu Grup- 
hope you like it guys...

five years ago

almost in axact time, 5 years ago, me as a student, I got sick...  my throat I didn't know why but sometimes it got so itchy.. and not just that I also got a cold... but the cold wasn't that bad... the itchy throat was the worst... coz everytime my throat got itchy I always got cough -terrible one-... it was so terrible until everytime I cough... I cough till cry... and it was also take effect on my voice... I have terrible voice just like old people... so scary.. and it all was happened for almost a month... even in my birthday... that's why I called it it almost 5 years ago...

so it was started on late may, I guess... I have the  symptoms after I joined as a surveyor for a BUMN in Gresik... the job was easy.. sit watch people and make markings in our work paper... coz that simple and lot of time needed there.. I kind a seldom to move my body.. no exercise at all... since that I have to start at very early morning and came home late... then sleep... no exercise at all... but tired! then after the survey comes the time training in my lab... and that was how I got my terrible itchy throat...

Friday, June 25, 2010

mami dan dunianya...

bisa di kata mami h0n ini termasuk mami yang suangat manja ma anak-anaknya... pengennya deket terus ma anak-anaknya... dan berhubung h0n satu2nya anak perempuan mami, so mami memang deket banget ma h0n.

masa perantauan h0n di Sumatra ini jelas menyusahkan mami...dulu bawaannya pasti nelpon melulu...tapi berhubung mang dasar si h0n-nya yang kebacut cuek... *susah dpegang buntutnya -mang kucing?-* dan waktu awal di padang h0n mang lagi keasyikan abis ma temen-temen gank bejo (btw sekarang pada bubar tuh gank bejo... padahal dulu kita seru banget... spontanitas tinggi... nekat juga superb!!)... jadi waktu itu pas sering nelpon pasti pas lagi rame-rame... hehehehhe... jadinya frekuensi nelpon minimal biasanya 2x seminggu... wiken 1, hari kerja 1... hehhehe...  soalnya mami punya kecenderungan ga suka ngobrol kalo h0n lagi ma temen... padahal kan biasa ajah kalee... hal ini disebabkan my mom has her own world!!!

h0n klo ma temen sangat terbuka kalo perihal keluarga *yup! h0n termasuk family man oops family woman ding!! hehehe* jadinya temen-temen familiar sama keluarga h0n, dan mami h0n familiar juga dengan temen temen h0n... walopun cuma lewat cerita cerita h0n ajah... dan berhubung h0n sukanya jahil so h0n seneng ajah... introduce my mom to my friend via phone or else... dan ini membuat mamiku semakin salah tingkah... so she kind a has her own thought about me and my friends.. or about what my friend's thought!! dengan kata lain kadang suka keGeEran dhewe hehehehe... dan karena itu kadang keliatan malu malu... hehehehehhe... dan h0n paling suka ngeliat nya lucu... hmmm.. jadi kangen mami.... 

sekarang mami sudah punya BB, tapi BB messengernya blom aktif... so h0n kenalin lah ma YM... h0n add beberapa teme h0n dan sepupu... actually temen yang di add ke tempat mami ga banyak kok... sumpah duikit buanget... dan as per my description above... she has her own world... her own thought and it is so funny... 

jadi ceritanya mami h0n mulai pinter pake YM nie... dah bisa ganti status... main sembunyi sembunyi pisan... ini nie yang aneh... ngapain pake dimatiin segala... and yup... takut digodain temen2ku katanya... hiyaaa... padahal temen2 h0n tuh.. sama juga kayak mami... pemalu kaleee.... cemen pisan!!! wakakkakka... ga semua... some of them.. :P susahnya nie.. kalo h0n bener2 butuh diskusi ma mami nie.. pasti susah.. nie mami onlen ga sih... ?? gitu dech.. but overall that YM really help.. telpon sih tetep minimal 2x seminggu.. tapi YM-annya sekarang yang jadi sering -tiap hari- dan ngobrolnya juga lebih enak... hehehhe.. kayak ma temen.. diskusi juga lebih seru... hehehhhe... hmm... jadi kangen pulang ^^

mamiku sayang, pujaan hatiku yang paling dalam... 
hanny kangen....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pre-wed photo session

this is one of our pre-wed photo session picture about a month ago... taken in our campus parking area it was Cimol (the bride), deper, me, and kumun... I remember I was the one who arranged the style and pose... nice right.. unfortunately it is the resize one (let's blame beruang from not giving us in the real size :( huhh!!)

actually there are so many picture we took... but hehehhe.. since I have lack ability in knowing how to adding picture in this post.. since I use it via picasa not in my regular way through blogger... so maybe next time I'll add the rest...

okay... see ya in my next post


mari kita bahas sesuatu yang lain kali ini... bosen kan ndengerin ocehan ato curhat h0n yang ga jelas... hehehehe...
kali ini mari kita bahas tipe curhat... tapi sebelumnya curhat tuh apaan sih??
hmm.. curhat kepanjangan dari 'curahan hati' yah berarti bisa dikata sebagai ungkapan hati... istilah curhat sendiri buat h0n itu lebih private... karena curhat biasanya tidak dilakukan dihadapan khalayak banyak *hmm... walopun ada beberapa orang yang melakukannya...kayak pers conference-nya artis ato yang 'sok ngartis' hehehe...*
pers conference sendiri buat h0n bukan curhat yang bener2 curhat, karena biasanya ada motif terselubung.. entah motif apakah itu.. yang jelas ada motif lah.. kalo ga ngapain curhat di depan umum? *ok we won't discuss about that since that I never had pers conference before :p*

karena selama ini h0n sering sekali oleh teman h0n dijadiin tempat curhat... (alhamdulillah h0n dapet kepercayaan untuk mendengarkan isi hati mereka.. percaya apa engga.. curhatan mereka itu membawa warna baru... entah itu masukan, pengalaman, atau bahkan hanya sebuah perasaan bahwa h0n dibutuhkan.. and it feels so nice to know that we are valued to some of friends), h0n suka curhat ga? hmmm termasuk suka curhat juga... tapi h0n sadar ga semua masalah kudu dicurhatkan dan ga semua orang kudu mendengar semua curhat... intinya.. sebelum melakukan curhat pasti ada filternya... dan filter ini disatu orang dengan orang yang lain pasti berbeda... karena itu h0n membedakannya dalam beberapa tipe curhat...

Tipe Tipe Curhat:
  • kamu cukup dengerin ajah. jadi curhat model begini itu, kita cuma dituntut untuk mendengarkan saja, tanpa dituntut untuk kasih pendapat atau kasih judgement karena bakalan useless...nah dan ini itu sebenernya bisa dibagi dalam beberapa tipe lagi:
    • dengerin ceritaku yah...kalo yang ini biasanya cukup mendengarkan cerita teman kita dengan seksama... mengkaji... dan memberikan respon... tapi jangan harap bakal dilakuin... dipikirin mungkin iya.. dilakuin kayak e engga..
    • sini sini... aku butuh dipeduliin...nah kalo yang ini.. biasanya butuh extra perhatian...selain mendengarkan kadang kita perlu nunjukkin kalo kita ada... little bit hug.. it will help...
    • aku butuh tempat bombay...kalo yang ini... biasanya pelaku curhat lagi bener bener emosi.. ato sedih... saking sedihnya sebenernya dia cuma butuh tempat cerita and buat nangis ajah... dan ini agak sulit biasanya karena dia nangis jadi agak sulit mencerna apa masalahnya...
    • butuh tempat pelampiasan... kalo ini yang paling kejam... curhat sambil main fisik... biasanya kalo dah saking bete nya ma orang... dia bakal melakukan curhat sambil main fisik... seakan akan kita tempat curhat adalah orang yang disebelin... dan sebagai tempat curhat yah.. kita pasrah ajah lah.. sambil pinter2 ngeles.. hehehehe
  • minta pendapat atau solusi... nah ini curhat yang agak dewasa... biasanya pelaku curhat memaparkan permasalahan yang dihadapi dengan harapan ingin meminta pendapat ato solusi... di sini peran kita bener dituntut untuk mampu mendengarkan, memahami... dan memposisikan diri...
  • "aku butuh temen" yang ini sedikit berbeda... biasanya mereka yang melakukan curhat bukan termasuk orang yang biasa mengutarakan isi hati... atau orang yang ga mau orang lain tau permasalahannya.. tapi mereka tetep butuh orang lain itu memahami... yang paling dibingungi... gimana mo paham kalo ga tau permasalahannya... tapi berdasarkan pengalaman h0n... yang namanya curhat ya ga usah terlalu dipaksa... kalo ga mau curhat ya sudah... kalo curhat ya monggo... tapi biasanya yang model gini sebenernya butuh motivasi dari temennya... butuh kesadaran bahwa dirinya sebenernya ga sendiri tapi ada kita sebagai temen... kalo yang kayak gini.. lebih baik ditemenin ajah... didengerin ajah apa yang dia bilang (biasanya perumpamaan perumpamaan yang ga seberapa jelas.. tapi ya gitu dengerin ajah. so intinya... be there when your friend need you!
  • 'pokoknya kamu tahu kan aku ada pikiran' nah yang ini hampir setipe dengan di atas... kalo di atas totally misterius kalo yang ini... biasanya pelaku curhat akan mengatakan tema atau inti permasalahan atau cuma topik permasalahan yang ada pada diri mereka... tapi setelah itu jangan harap dapat detail story... karena intinya dari curhatnya itu... ini aku lagi ada masalah... dan kamu tau kan sekarang kalo aku ada masalah... karena the next sentence setelah dia bilang inti atau topik curhatnya... dia bakal bilang ntar dech aku ceritain sekarang lagi ga mood atau alasan serupa lah... dan siap siap... jangan berharap untuk dapat detail story... yang kayak gini.. enak dia yang curhat dan bikin penasaran yang dicurhatin... tapi orang kan beda beda... diterima aja lah... ^^
  • curhat setengah nah yang ini aku paling sering nieh... hehehhe... pengennya cerita... tapi ga pengen juga orang lain tau... hehehe... karena itu kadang ceritanya mbulet... hehehe... dan bikin bete yang dicurhatin karena biasanya mereka ga dapat inti permasalahan.. atau ga bisa kasih nasehat karena bingung apa masalahnya... hehehhe....
hue... ternyata panjang juga yah... ulasan di atas semuanya berdasarkan pengalaman... hanny seneng ajah sih dipercaya ma temen temen buat dijadiin tempat curhat... seneng karena bisa ada buat mereka disaat mereka butuh.. seneng karena bisa bermanfaat... 
hiyaaah.. dulu ada yang bilang 'kita kan teman berbagi...' hiyaaah kalimat itu masih terngiang bahkan mematri... *walopun mungkin yang ngomong kata-kata itu ga bersungguh-sungguh atau bahkan dah lupa* hehehehe... tapi kata kata itu mang dahsyat... ayo ayo... teman berbagi ku... I'm waiting... hehehe...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


gimana kabarnya??
masih sering sakitkah tenggorokannya??
tuh madu diminum gih... *hiyaaaaaahhhh... have to stop this!!!*

Monday, June 21, 2010

don't you miss me...?

you are gift from Allah
to cheer my days
to hear my babbling
to make me laughing
to make me smile
to make me smile in my silence (hmm... hehehe)
to make me wish holiday is soon
to hear my moan
to make me listened...
to make me wondered
to make me impressed
to make me calmed
to make me worried
to make me upset
to make me cried

hehehe... I dont know why exactly you are away now...
but I know for sure... it is for something good...

"kau dulu tiada untukku, dan sekarang kembali tiada."

don't u miss me?? *coz I do*

Friday, June 18, 2010

When You Miss Somebody

Hey... how's today?? Uhm... I was searching for Tompi new song "tak pernah setengah hati" and then I found this song, sing by Tompi also... I'm very attracting by the title "when you miss somebody" hmmm... I like the title... when I miss somebody... so here the lyrics (I'l tell you how's the song after I download it.. okay...). I miss you... ^^

When You Miss Somebody - Tompi

As soft as a shadow
Dark as a dream
Look but don’t try to touch
A face in a mirror
A coin in a stream
A voice you miss too much

When u miss somebody...
When u miss someone...
When u miss somebody...
When u miss someone

The trouble with remembering
Is that we never can go back
The trouble with tomorrow
Is that I’m living in the past

I thought that I spotted
Your face in a crowd
I knew I must be wrong

The world’s spinning backwards
The noise is too loud
I find you in a song

Thursday, June 17, 2010

friends in need are friends indeed *syalalalala...*

hey there...
now, is still working time (I know). but I dont know why... today, this office in this our is quite so calm and even too quite...

let me review for awhile... what I've been through passed days... okay, I've got heart attack.. hehehe.. "heart" attacked... but I feel thanks to Allah for having it now, before I dive too deep and realize I couldn't come to the the surface... and I guess he braves and fair enough to tell me... maybe he is the bravest one among others... and I know Allah has His Own plan for me... the happy one, I believe...and for him of course... still wishing for his happiness and his health (yeah his quite stubborn when related with his health....hufh)

sad... of course, who won't be... but I'm okay... just like I said before.. I believe Allah has His Own plan.. and I do really believe is for everyone happiness... and in this vulnerable situation I have... yeah I realize that my Ex.. yeah that Ex... gosh... he kind a make.. I dont know what the exact and best terms to discuss it...

okay, he ever seducing me in the plane, and I manage to success to be straight with him... and I guess my mistake somehow... he knew that I'm in sad coz breaking my heart again... and now... he comes again... and I know this is not good... not good at all... Gosh... I just too afraid that he seduce me again since knowing me so challenging for him...I'm tired...

then, sometimes I like to babbling in twitter... and hehhehe... my senior... hmm.. let's call him... mas sapu lidi's son... hehehhe... he notices my babblers... he respond... he asked me to talk in BBM... and the funny thing is... wakakkakkaka... his responds or his confused makes me laughing out loud... hehehhe... especially when he respond to my blabbing that I'm vulnerable, n I know he takes chances in my situation.. wakakkaka... he always curious about what my ex done to me... and he always think the dirty think... yiiaaaaks... when I asked why he always had dirty thought... he said that as an elder he didn't want my ex did something bad to me... *hueee melting.... I surprised actually there's lot of people care to me...* then he said but if that bad thing happened to beruang or probo then it's okay..... wakakaka... can stop laughing reading it...

hmmm.... I realized that lot of my friend care about me... and in returns I also should care bout myself... I'll try not to make them worry 'bout me... hey guysss.... I'm okay... I guess I'm already learned and won't do the same mistake...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

stupid question ever!!

okay.. Now I know I'm happy breaking up with you
Now I know how relieve I am for not longer having feeling for you
Now I know how stupid I used to be to trusting you that much..for ignoring all my friend voices..
Now I know why God set our meeting and separate us in that way
Now I know how Allah love me that Allah gives those lesson..
Now I know how happy I am knowing all this

Snif snif.. There's one day that I made an appoinment with my Ex in airport so that we could wait and share taxi to indarung (since, I'm little bit paranoid with taxi if it comes a night)..
Everything was so great.. We could manage our seat in d plane.. And we had a nice dinner in airport.. We share story from where we had holidays.. It was so normal..

Our plane was delayed.. And we had time to share our story.. He told about his girl and his proposal to his ex (see..this is d reason we are not together again)
I told him I have complicated relation with my friend.. (Which he really not want to hear.. He I see as not a good friend.. When it is NOT HIM)
So.. I really happy with this conversation.. Coz.. It means we are normal.. And it is not awkward anymore..

But then in the plane.. Something not as my imagination occured.. Just like a big splash come in a very silent pool.. He asked me this surprisingly stupid question..
*how 'bout cheating for 5 minute, han*

And I feel so gratefull that we already broke up...

words from my work

what will be our topic discussion for today... Hm.. Lately I kind a have little issue in my work place..
I, Once again feel not get my call in here..I didn't feel the satisfaction in working..and the most awfull feeling is I feel like I am only a chicken baby..only do what the mother ask to do..
Some of my friend said that was good, you don't have to think hard right..but..once again I said.. That rule doesn't apply to me..
I love to make creation.. I love to think.. I love to make an idea.. I love that I can use my imagination in order to taking care a problem or issue..
I love those kind of things..

Hm..for now, I'm wishing for great patient.. I'm wishing for my best try in work..
And d most important thing.. I wish.. I wish Someone will take me out from here.. ^^

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jealousy approach T_T

I read it... and suddenly... hiksssss
a moment I know... I text my friend...

"aq cemburu hikkksss
tiba2 ae dada ku sesek...
mataku kok jadi mulai berair
sekarang berkaca-kaca
Ini coba ditahan :(
*aq knapaahhhhh???*"

Astaghfirullah... what happens with me ya Allah...
it was just one or two sentence in my monitor... why it changed my feeling like this...
this is not the first time, but this is the second time in a month... with almost the same reason, same person... 
and I have never been in a big jealousy like this before... hiksss.... it is so hurt.... that sentence actually hurt me...the first time I felt this jealousy.. I bought my BB... hm... to cheer me up.. to keep busying myself with my friend in BB network... and I thought it works... but now... oh gosh... I still feel jealous by that little act...

I'm not supposed to be jealous (I realized) but I don't know why.. it just appears... I dont have the right to jealous.. and I dont have the reason to be jealous... but it just appears... T_T

I used to have a playboy boyfriend... but I never felt this much jealous like I have rite now... somehow... I always can maintain my jealousy... 
But now, I kind a lost control of myself... I cant maintain my jealousy... It is just exploding... so hurt... 

who is she....
what their relation?

(gosh... I feel like those jealous woman in the tv serial....) when you know exactly what make me jealous... maybe you laugh or wondering what's wrong with me.... *and I will asking that question to myself either... hiksss...*

have you ever jealous with your friend (this kind of jealousy)??

or... maybe I'm (deep down in me) hoping for more.... *Ya Allah... hanny knapah??*

I have to figure a way out... I cant let this jealousy ruin my mood in d future.. but how?
hopefully... I find a way out...


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

one silly question

lately I kind a like to throw this question:

"Guys... I have one silly question.
Is it normal for friend holding hands?"

simple question, but will create a great conversation with friends. various responds I got by throwing it.. and all of them so funny and so thoughtful.. there was teasing respond... wondering respond... and so seriously taking the question's respond...

several of them answering by question, "have we ever holding hands, h0n?" ckckckck... and thanks GOD it's never!! xixixixi fact #1 we never holding hand (me and my boy friends).

some of them... teasing me... *let's ignored this type of answer :p *

then, we have this moment, me, beruang, deper, and kumun... were meeting in kodok and cimol's pre-wedding photo session which was held in our beloved campus. and since that we are group of narcis people, then... without any commando... we are the model of our own pre-wedding photo session... merrier, funnier, and so US!!! hehehhe...
and in one of the session, we took a picture of cheating couple... two session to be exact, the normal couples, and the gay couples. and we have our senior to take the picture *she's one of the hot female photographer... she creates so artistic picture.. so it was a lucky moment for us :) -let's call her ms.phographer*

so the cheating session started:
beruang as the playboy, me at first as the second lady *wooopss....* then deper as beruang's girl. ms.photographer lead us with several command... then when time to pose, I realized that i have to hold beruang's hand... *and yiaaaakkss... my feeling say no... I can imagine myself holding his hand.. wakakkaka.. just not right...* I shouted asking for re-role... hehhehe.. now, I'm the beruang's girl ^^ 
for me is it much more better for me... put my head near -so near- to beruang's shoulder than holding his hand...but still it feeling so *big* weird put my head near his shoulder... wakakkaka...
but it was... so nice session.... wakakkaka... so awkward but so nice pict... I think I don't have 'model' material... xixixiixixi...

when I asked to deper... how's the feeling.. she said the same... and thanks GOD I dont have to be her position, coz she had to do both posed (the holding hand and the put our head in his shoulder) hehehhehe...

but when I asked to kumun, how's his feeling holding beruang's hand.... he said happily... it is so nice... his so gentle... my heart beating so fast... hm... ^^ *that's my own version... hehehhehe*

so that was fact #2 it is so awkward when we have to holding hand

and in this morning... I throw the same question to my friend... then we had a nice morning conversation...he said it was normal, when he holding his friend hand... but since that I know.. actually he had feeling for her... that didn't count as normal one...

coz... how the situation are... we certainly won't do that kind of thing if we are friend... fact #3 is friend with no special feeling won't holding hands.

and then I realized... it feels so different when we're holding hands with friend in order helping each other, someone in a forced, and holding hands with someone we like... hehehehehhe...
of course it's much comfie holding hands with someone we like or love... and it will much comfie and right to holding our wife/husband's hand ^^

so guys....
I have one silly question.
Is it normal for friend holding hands?? 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

meeting my Ex's girlfriend (so what gitu loh....)

dear blog,

oops it's been a while since I temporary privatizing my blog :P but why I'm open it now? hmmm.. coz I want to share some picture to some of my bests!!! hehehhe..

okay... first story it's "meeting my Ex's girlfriend (so white gitu loh...)"

actually that event happened about a week ago (may 2nd) in my MT's friend baralek (wedding party). me and MRQ as usual went to that party accompanied by my married bibi' -asri- and her husband -suhe-. when we arrived there.. I kind a had feeling that my Ex -Raden- was there.. (coz I saw the car actually). then I saw he was there sitting with several friends -paicol and his wife -buya-, then noph2, doraemon, and long hair lady in purple- and it then I realized that is Raden's girlfriend... and all my friend waaaksss.... they were so funny with their 'want to laugh' face... yup.. they just so excited cause it was not only me meeting my Ex's girlfriend but it also we -me and the new GF- wore the same color dress, purple. it was a week ago.

but why I came out with this story again?? now?? 
hmm... coz today I met buya and her husband... then she just grabbed my arm and said 'h0n, if I were you last week... I'd act totally confused with a red face." first.. I don't get it... then.. I realize... of the purple in baralek moment ya?? I'm asking. she nodded.
wow.. why all this people exaggerating those moment.. Me, myself found it so usual... okay I met his new GF.. and it was okay... for me it's not a big deal..."h0n, next you should bring someone.. to equal him!" said her in passion... "hey... we are already big!! it's unnecessary!! so child!!" I answered quite confuse... I know my friend want to support me.. hey... but guys I dont need support in this matter... hey guys.. still.. thank you...

it is trully not a big problem... actually he already told me about her... we ever had discussion about his gal... and I'm not that kind of woman...I'm the kind of: "if it's over then IT'S OVER!! once I get hurt... I learned from it... "

Friday, April 23, 2010

hip hip hurrayy.... it's Friday!!!

hm... it's already friday... yippy... love this day so much... 
Friday means... weekend will come...hmm... wondering what can I do for my weekend..  
this weekend... should be better than my last one... 
I have to optimizing my weekend, so let's list it:
  • should watch several movies or series... hm... now... I'm considering Sherlock Holmes, and.... hm... should check my external harddisk... hm... getting excited nie...
  • should go to my doctor.. to have some treatment nie... this is a MUST!!! coz it's been a month a kind a delay it....
  • should go to the market.. to buy some vegetables...
  • should cook Spagetitos!!!!
  • should clean and tidy my messy room!!!
  • should clean the house!!!
Okay... that must have been done in this weekend!!
wow it's raining outside!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another Good Article

Dear blog,

hm.. yesterday, I sent the "L.O.V.E" article to my married bibi' ... hmm... she's so lovely... and she's been so nice to me since our first met... she's the one who will give her straight opinion.. huhuhu... jadi inget nasehat nasehatnya waktu "jaman kegelapan" hehehhehe...
after I sent that article.. she sent back her opinion... uhh.. she's still that care to me... miss her so much...
then just now, she sent me this article, so guys, I share this article.. coz I love you guys.. thanks for being there in my life... hopefully we all find our happiness in life... Amien... 
27 tips jalani kehidupan
  1. Jangan tertarik kepada seseorang karena parasnya, sebab keelokan paras dapat menyesatkan. Jangan pula tertarik kepada kekayaannya, karena kekayaan dapat musnah. Tertariklah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum, karena hanya senyum yang dapat membuat hari-hari yang gelap menjadi cerah. Semoga kamu menemukan orang seperti itu.
  2. Ada saat-saat dalam hidup ketika kamu sangat merindukan seseorang sehingga ingin hati menjemputnya dari alam mimpi dan memeluknya dalam alam nyata. Semoga kamu memimpikan orang seperti itu.
  3. Bermimpilah tentang apa yang ingin kamu impikan, pergilah ke tempat kamu ingin pergi, jadilah seperti yang kamu inginkan,karena kamu hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu kesempatan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang ingin kamu lakukan.
  4. Janganlah terlalu mencintai akan sesuatu karena belum tentu yang dicintai itu terbaik buat kita, sebaliknya janganlah terlalu membenci akan sesuatu karena mungkin yang dibenci itu merupakan yang terbaik buat kita.
  5. Akan lebih baik berlagak tidak mengerti pada apa yang dimengerti, daripada berlagak mengerti pada apa yang tidak dimengerti.
  6. Semoga kamu mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu baik hati, cobaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu kuat, kesedihan yang cukup untuk membuatmu manusiawi, pengharapan yang cukup untuk membuatmu bahagia dan uang yang cukup untuk membeli hadiah-hadiah.
  7. Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain dibukakan. Tetapi acapkali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang dibukakan bagi kita.
  8. Sahabat terbaik adalah dia yang dapat duduk berayun-ayun di beranda bersamamu, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, dan kemudian kamu meninggalkannya dengan perasaan telah bercakap-cakap lama dengannya.
  9. Sungguh benar bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita milik sampai kita kehilangannya, tetapi sungguh benar pula bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang belum pernah kita miliki sampai kita mendapatkannya.
  10. Pandanglah segala sesuatu dari kacamata orang lain. Apabila hal itu menyakitkan hatimu, sangat mungkin hal itu menyakitkan hati orang itupula.
  11. Kata-kata yang diucapkan sembarangan dapat menyulut perselisihan. Kata-kata yang kejam dapat menghancurkan suatu kehidupan. Kata-kata yang diucapkan pada tempatnya dapat meredakan ketegangan. Kata-kata yang penuh cinta dapat menyembuhkan dan memberkahi.
  12. Awal dari cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kita cinta menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kita inginkan.Jika tidak, kita hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kita temukan di dalam dia.
  13. Orang-orang yang paling berbahagia tidak selalu memiliki hal-hal terbaik, mereka hanya berusaha menjadikan yang terbaik dari setiap hal yang hadir dalam hidupnya.
  14. Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dengan beberapa orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas karunia itu.
  15. Hanya diperlukan waktu semenit untuk menaksir seseorang, sejam untuk menyukai seseorang dan sehari untuk mencintai seseorang tetapi diperlukan waktu seumur hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.
  16. Kebahagiaan tersedia bagi mereka yang menangis, mereka yang disakiti hatinya, mereka yang mencari dan mereka yang mencoba. Karena hanya mereka itulah yang menghargai pentingnya orang-orang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup mereka.
  17. Cinta adalah jika kamu kehilangan rasa, gairah, romantika da masih tetap peduli padanya.
  18. Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu dan mendapati pada akhirnya bahwa tidak demikian adanya dan kamu harus melepaskannya.
  19. Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyuman, bertumbuh dengan sebuah ciuman dan berakhir dengan tetesan air mata.
  20. Cinta datang kepada mereka yang masih berharap sekalipun pernah dikecewakan, kepada mereka yang masih percaya sekalipun pernah dikhianati, kepada mereka yang masih mencintai sekalipun pernah disakiti hatinya.
  21. Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintaimu,tetapi yang lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang dan tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk mengutarakan cintamu kepadanya.
  22. Memang sakit rasanya melihat orang yang kita cintai berbahagia dengan orang lain, tetapi akan lebih menyakitkan apabila orang yang kita cintai itu bersama kita tanpa kebahagiaan.
  23. Masa depan yang cerah selalu tergantung kepada masa lalu yang dilupakan, kamu tidak dapat hidup terus dengan baik jika kamu tidak melupakan kegagalan dan sakit hati di masa lalu.
  24. Jangan pernah mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kamu masih mau mencoba, jangan pernah menyerah jika kamu masih merasa sanggup jangan pernah mengatakan kamu tidak mencintainya lagi jika kamu masih tidak dapat melupakannya.
  25. Memberikan seluruh cintamu kepada seseorang bukanlah jaminan dia akan membalas cintamu! Jangan mengharapkan balasan cinta, tunggulah sampai cinta berkembang di hatinya, tetapi jika tidak, berbahagialah karena cinta tumbuh dihatimu.
  26. Ada hal-hal yang sangat ingin kamu dengar tetapi tidak akan pernah kamu dengar dari orang yang kamu harapkan untuk mengatakannya. Namun demikian janganlah menulikan telinga untuk mendengar dari orang yang mengatakannya dengan sepenuh hati.
  27. Waktu kamu lahir, kamu menangis dan orang-orang disekelilingmu tersenyum - jalanilah hidupmu sehingga pada waktu kamu meninggal, kamu tersenyum dan orang-orang disekelilingmu menangis.